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Disability Resources & Services

Disability Resources & Services (DRS) is for students seeking accommodations on campus. Once you apply for services, you can also view required documentation guidelines and intake documents, and learn more about your rights and responsibilities.

Get Started with DRS

Mission, Vision, and Value Statements

Mission Statement:

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to an inclusive and accessible campus environment.  It is the mission of Disability Resources & Services (DRS) to fulfill this commitment by partnering with individuals with disabilities and the University community to provide equal access to employment, classes, programs, and activities.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to become the most inclusive University where individuals with disabilities are integrated as completely as possible, empowering them to achieve their greatest potential.

Value Statements:

DRS values the individual uniqueness and personal experiences of individuals with disabilities understanding that disability is a fundamental aspect of diversity.

DRS empowers individuals with disabilities by identifying and minimizing barriers to equal access.

DRS provides individualized accommodations and services through a holistic approach that fosters full participation and active engagement at the University.

DRS cultivates disability awareness through collaboration and communication with university stakeholders and community partners.

DRS promotes Universal design as an opportunity to sustainably reduce barriers in the University environment, decreasing the need for disability accommodations, and encouraging a culture of inclusion for all.


Review accommodations and watch a video on how to request your accommodations each academic semester you require them.


Find campus and community resources such as assistive technology, transportation, peer mentoring, and student organizations.

Workplace Accommodations

Review procedures for University of Pittsburgh employees when requesting workplace accommodations on the basis of a disability.


View policies to gain an understanding of your rights as a student or faculty with regard to disclosing a disability, confidentiality, grievance procedures, and more.